Stick a Dick on the Geek Party Game, your very own geeky boy toy to play with! 12 cute willies from which to pick, close your eyes then “Stick a Dick”.
His geeky grin, pasty white skin and thickly rimmed glasses are sure to inspire heaps of giddy laughter from your girl group! Not only will he let you play games with his sticky dick, he’s happy for you to replace his face with a willing volunteer!  This geeky party game is the perfect ice breaker for that hen’s night party!
Stick a Dick on the Geek Party Game is the grown up version of the old party favourite Pin The Tale On The Donkey. Unfold the almost life-seized naked geeky boy toy, pin him on the door, choose your ‘weapon’ from the 12 reusable sticky dicks, don your mask, then spin around three times and place your sticker you think it should go. The results are hilarious! The player closest to the target gets a ‘clever dick’ sticker to prove it!
Wherever you stick it, Stick-a-Dick is the perfect party game for naughty nights in or outrageous nights out! If you take it out on the town, why not cut out the face using the dotted lines and find a willing male brave enough to ‘model’ for you? Go ahead…. pin the tail on the male… he won’t mind!
Stick a Dick on the Geek Party Game features:
- 12 Reusable stickers
- 1 Willy mask
- 1 Glossy Geek poster