Drunk, Stoned or Stupid Adult Card Game is the hilariously funny party game that Australians love! And the fun doesn’t stop there! Take it to any event where trash talking is totally on the agenda!
Drunk, Stoned or Stupid Adult Card Game is perfect for pre-wedding festivities (hen’s night / buck’s night parties), adult birthday parties or any other festive event where adults gather for a bit of cheeky adult fun. Also makes a great gift for that person with a deviant sense of humour! Get your cheeky friends together and have fun!
- 250 prompt cards to decide who in the group is MOST LIKELY TO…
- This game can get real… prepare to call out your friends!
- 4+ players
Drunk, Stoned or Stupid Adult Card Game Examples:
- Wakes up with Half a Burrito in Bed
- Has 3-Hour Conversation About Space
- Spends All Day Interpreting a Text
- Has a Dark Side
- Is a Little Bitch
- Is Allergic to Everything
- Touches Everyone Excessively for No Reason
- Will Make Out with Absolutely Anyone
- Is Going Straight to Hell
- Gets Convinced Strangers are Celebrities
- Is Actively Preparing for the End of the World
- Gets Popcorn Bucket from Trash for Free Refills
- Sings but Shouldn’t
- Has Sex While Watching TV
- Would Survive in Woods with Just a Hatchet
- Goes Missing Within 15 Minutes of Going Out