Every party, every BBQ, every weekend needs a cheeky Stubby Holder to hold your favourite beverage. Why not do it in style with a big selection of rude and cheeky Stubby Holders.
With so many different messages to choose from, you’re sure to captivate everyone’s attention with your cheeky sense of humour. There’s a message for every personality.
Stubby Holders available:
- Old Farts Froffie
- Don’t you think if I was wrong I would know about it?
- Amazingly enough I don’t give a shit
- I’m so old I can… laugh, cough, sneeze, fart & pee all at the same time
- I’m not always a Bitch. Just kidding. Go fuck yourself
- CRAFT – Can’t Remember A Fucking Thing
- Because I’m the boss. That’s why!
- Queen of Fucking Everything
- Grumpy Bastards Club
- Smoking is my choice…so…fuck off!
- What part of fuck off don’t you understand?
- FIGJAM – Fuck I’m Good Just Ask Me